- Accurate inventory of all parts in the project , which is very important, especially in the early stages of the project , and the schedule adjusts itself automatically when modifying the data, and we enable BIM to directly calculate the quantities related to area and volumes (and even lengths and diameters of reinforcing bars)
- The modification is very easy and is done once anywhere in the model, and it is reflected in every part of the model.
- Reducing the time during implementation, as work will not be interrupted to resolve a conflict that was not discovered during the design.
The Design board is the same as the Shop drawing board , it is the same as the As built board without many modifications.
- The possibility of using the model to conduct simulations , such as simulating the sun, wind and energy in many different programs, and then returning the modifications to the model in order to follow up work on it later, with an alert to the rest of the engineering staff with complementary and multiple specializations.
- Knowing the areas of the rooms easily, which makes it easier for air conditioning and lighting engineers to work
- A full preview of the project after installing all the systems, which allows for checking the integrity and sustainability of the original design or not
- Construction Scheduling: Building information model and linking it with the schedule enables a clear visualization of the construction phases, thus construction schedules in specific time frames can be well planned and communicated exactly as planned to contractors and other responsible stakeholders.
- Viewing construction planning and operations ahead of time in a virtual environment helps detect problems and identify areas that need iteration. Thus site glitches and rework are reduced.
- 4D BIM models can also be used to plan phased occupancy in building related projects eg – renovation and retrofit projects.
- profitability.
- Quality of work performed.
- work production efficiency.
- Competitiveness.
- Openness to new business opportunities.
- Existence of information corresponding to reality that can be used in the management of building facilities and maintenance .
- Knowing the specifications required to be implemented on the ground.
- Knowing what is needed correctly and accurately in terms of building materials and other supplies (Scaffolding, Wench cranes, etc. of the number of toolskits) to complete the construction of the facility
Clarify the design well to the client, so that the final image of the building reaches him and he understands its details well, without having to study architectural or construction drawings that he may not understand. Therefore, he can express his opinion and amend the design, whose cost of modification is not comparable to the cost of modification of an executed building .
Harmony between projections and sectors, and this was an eternal problem, which is making an adjustment in one of the panels and having to do it in all the other panels, but now the whole project is in one integrated file, the amendment appears automatically in all the drawings when it is done in any of them.
Innovative buildings used to suffer from the problem of not having a reference or previous buildings that could be measured against, so unexpected problems could occur as a result of weight or uncalculated natural factors, but now BIM provides all kinds of simulations to remedy the problem before it occurs .
It often happened that work stopped due to waiting for raw materials to be received, or raw materials and materials were imported before the time they were needed, and an additional cost was required to store them. Time and cost management software helped solve these problems through the concept of Just In Time at work.
The problem of not completing on time as a result of discovering problems within the site, so the project period was extended more than once. When building information modeling is properly applied, problems are discovered and resolved early while working on the design.
What was built differs from the original design as a result of on-site work, forcing engineers to make different As Built panels after work is completed.
Before starting construction:
Construction management information combined with construction management software provides the details you need to find potential time points and conflicts in your project . You can look at the entire schedule and scan it step by step, looking at site set-up and traffic along the way. Once complete, the BIM model gives contractors a quick reference guide to everything that needs to happen to make the project a success.
Avoid project delays again:
There’s a new schedule, a new estimate, and likely other changes. Tenants are eager to occupy it, and there are penalties for lateness. Subcontractors take shortcuts in order to lower their costs and maintain schedule, (very hard to prove afterwards). There are problems with quality (quality is the adherence to specifications and the extent to which the project matches the needs and desires of the owner).
Total costs are increasing with reports of new cost items being submitted daily. Nobody knows what the final number is. All of these problems are known in most construction projects. Why is it not resolved?
Bad management? It is common to blame management for problems, but is this fair when working with traditional systems that can’t really control the construction process effectively?
Holding others accountable is the easy option in the high-pressure environment of a modern construction project, but it’s not helpful. Projects can succeed best if the entire team shares responsibility for problem-solving. Banning the “It’s not my fault” statement is a good start.
Project managers are management specialists to the best of their knowledge and ability. They are supervised by qualified and capable managers, who try to avoid any irregularities with budget, schedule and quality.
Often it seems almost impossible to manage and organize large amounts of complex information. Information about delays or similar anomalies often arrives too late for the project manager to take meaningful action. If the information was available earlier, many problems could be identified immediately. The impact of late problem solving and unmanageable chaos can result. This leads to decisions being taken without reference to the real situation.
And if managers can access existing project data with lucid detail, they can pinpoint the causes of problems rather than their major impact. Making decisions based on guesswork, without any simulation of future consequences, is always a big risk.
The problem is not the managers. Rather, it is due to the lack of correct, detailed and timely information on the current and expected status of different parts of the project .
However it is impossible to have detailed information on hand all the time. This is what many people say and given the current processes and work flow, there is some right to this and that is why we are going to implement BIM.
To achieve maximum benefit from BIM Construction, it is necessary to commit to developing and improving the way construction projects are handled. The easiest way to start is by adopting methodologies based on current global best practices. An example of a BIM process is a methodology that looks at information management for the construction project as a whole. It includes four major aspects of building information management:
Website Usage Planning: With BIM templates at your disposal it becomes easy to plan how the website will be used. Allocate space for temporary facilities, assembly and material silos, placement of cranes, construction equipment, etc. so that there is no engagement for on-site use. Planning can be done using virtual design and construction planning capabilities.
Safety planning and site evacuation plan in case of a site problem
Collecting the information of all departments in one place and entity, before this it was difficult to do this with two-dimensional charts and dispersed information that is not centralized.
MIP BIM Coordination and Clash Detection: Complex MIP systems, displaying all disciplines i.e. MEP, Architecture and Structure in the same ecosystem and detecting internal as well as external clashes and eliminating them before making layouts on the ground, is a very crucial step that helps to save a large amount of Money, effort, redesign and therefore time.
Linking with the implementation schedule and giving better feedback to engineers about the proper workflow at the site
Defining Time-Based Engagements: BIM allows a visualization of how a particular activity will be done, along with the accumulated time and cost. This in turn also proves fruitful in detecting and mitigating time-based clashes, thus verifying that the sequences of planned operations and their timeframes do not overlap or collide. As a result all operations such as temporary construction, permanent construction and others, happen without a glitch. Thus saving time, increasing productivity and of course generating a better return on investment.
Reducing inquiries ( request for information (RFI) to ask about information that is not clear or ambiguous. A sector can be taken in any part and studied or knowledge of the information from the characteristics of the element. Previously, the respondent would send an RFI to the consultant and wait for days for a response, and the response may be insufficient or unclear, so we send Another RFI, and in the event that the consultant agrees to the change, details are prepared to handle the change, and in the event of disagreement, the contract is referred to and a CLAIM is made .
Reducing change orders CHANGE ORDER Due to the understanding of all the work team of the project from its inception, in normal projects, the realization is at the beginning of the architect, and the project is gradually realized by the rest of the team before the end of the project , as the number of change orders often indicates the amount of conflicts and inconsistencies in the project and is proportional to the number of RFI, which decreases with the use of BIM.
Reducing physical and temporal claims due to the reduction of design errors and the reduction of RFI and change orders, which reduces the cost of the project .
REDUCE REWORK Rework causes waste of materials and reduces productivity. Building information modeling can reduce this waste by reducing design errors.