Architectural design service

Not everyone who designs structures is an architect, in fact not everyone with a degree in architecture is an architect! Some people with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in architecture and building design are architectural designers.

Architectural designers are usually junior employees of architectural design firms. They design different types of structures, but – because they do not hold a professional degree – their designs must be signed by a supervising architect. Architectural designers also help with the logistics of bringing the architectural design into reality. They create digital plans based on architectural drawings, oversee projects through the city permission process, visit construction sites, supervise contractors, and facilitate communication with consultants.

It is helpful for an architectural designer to have a good understanding of math and science, but—because architectural plans today are primarily created using computer-aided drafting (CAD) software—architectural designers don’t use as much complex math as they did in the past, and yet they spend Long hours sitting at the computer!

Modern architectural design

Modern architectural design is a term applied to an all-encompassing movement, with its exact definition and widely varying scope. The term modern architectural design is often applied to the modernist movements of the turn of the 20th century, with efforts to reconcile the basic principles of architectural design with the rapid technological advancement and modernization of society.

It will take the form of many movements, schools of design, and architectural styles, some of which are in tension with one another, and often challenge such a categorization. Postmodern, high-tech or even neoclassical, depending on the context.

In the history of art, the revolutionary and neoclassical styles that developed around 1800 are also called modern architectural design. The concept of modernism is a central theme in the efforts of modern architecture in the twentieth century. Modern architectural design gained international fame, especially after World War II, and was adopted by Many architects and architectural educators, and it has continued as a dominant architectural style for institutional and corporate buildings into the twenty-first century.

 Modernism eventually led to reactions, most notably postmodernism that sought to preserve pre-modern elements, while “new modernism” emerged as a reaction to postmodernism.

Interior architectural design

Interior architectural design  is the architectural design of residential buildings from the inside such as designing a building or shelter from the inside out, the type of house that can be repaired, interior architectural design can also be the initial residential building architectural design and plan of use, and later redesign to suit a changing purpose, or a significantly revised design for the adaptive reuse of the building structure.

The latter is often part of sustainable architecture practices, conserving resources by “recycling” the structure via adaptive redesign. Generally referred to as the spatial art of environmental design, form, and practice, interior architecture is the process by which interiors are designed. For buildings, which are concerned with all aspects of human uses of structural spaces, simply put, interior architectural design is the architectural design of the interior of residential buildings from an architectural point of view.

Architectural map design

Assuming that you are designing architectural maps for a site and its context in which you plan to propose an architectural intervention, designing architectural maps is nothing more than a study of the site to justify your architectural intervention or a research-based exercise to identify problems or estimate its current design, and is done by examining:

  • neighboring properties.
  • Access and transportation.
  • Commercial developments, local markets and their arrangements.
  • Encroachments and random settlements
  • Vegetation, steel and water bodies.
  • The cultural attractions of the geographic area.

Designing architectural maps  is nothing but studying and identifying patterns taking into account the development of infrastructure and how the city or that piece of property has evolved over the years and then come to analyze and study it with enough precision to present it to someone new to understand it clearly and quickly enough, designing architectural maps is very important in urban areas Populated or also rural towns, places of religious or cultural significance, historic trade centers and local markets.

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